Monday, February 13, 2012

16 days old!

So Landon is now 2 weeks... And it feels like time has already gone by so fast. We have a good schedule with him and hes a really really good baby! I have already lost soo much weight and it feels great to be thin again. I really cant wait to start working out. My incision is healing well. I am so over feeling "crippled". I just wish I were back to normal already. Breastfeeding is going much better. Landon favors the left side but the right is the one that is its own milk factory. Its about twice as much when pumping as the left. So hopefully it will even out soon.

Today we had a two week check up with the pediatrician and it went really well. He has gained weight! Seven pounds now! So hes finally fitting into his newborn clothes haha The dr said he looked great and acted great. His circumcision is healed properly and his belly button was a little bloody so he cautherized it. I think I spelled that wrong.. Oh well. I feel so lucky to have such a happy, healthy baby. When your pregnant you always worry that something might go wrong or that you wont know what to do or that your baby will cry all the time. I am also so lucky to have so much help right now. I cant imagine having to get around by myself while I am still healing. Taylor and I are truly blessed.

So anyway, its just still different getting used to the fact that I have a child and that I made him with my body. Taylor and I went to eat dinner with his co workers the other night and it was the first time I had talked about Landon to strangers. They were like oh, you have a son? Its a good feeling. It makes me feel like I have so much more life experience. I was talking to a married couple about being pregnant and having a child. I'm all grown up now! Crazy... Life just moves forward and keeps on moving thats for sure. I am still really happy and I still look at Landon in awe. Hes just growing and changing and its really neat to see. I am happy with my family :)

So other than that everything is going well. I have been able to get some sleep and I am healing and getting better at feeding him. Hes peed and pooped on almost everyone that has changed him. And everyone just adores him! I am glad he is so loved. I am not as emotional anymore so thats good. I am still so happy and so full of love!

Until next time,

Alyssa, Taylor and Landon

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